Change the things that can be change, accept those that cannot and have the wisdom to know the difference... for Life is always sum up in with three words " IT GOES ON"... Welcome to my Blog and thanks for dropping by!

Hope for Success

This is my entry to Techie She Lucky Blogger Weekly Giveaway Week 7. This week’s prize is one year free blog hosting from Ma Belle of Success Box.

I`m not really okey with the long distance relationship. I`m not comfortable that my partner is miles away from me. But, at this point I`m having in mind to considered things. Two years or more is long enough but If I can go through, It`s a success on my part, success on having lots of patience.

Techie She: Blogging Made Easy

Techie She  – (July 13, 2011 at 9:00 AM)  

i once had been in a long distance relationship. at this advance age of information technology, it's easier to maintain these kind of relationship. you just need to communicate regularly, keep trusting in each other and keeping the love alive despite the distance.

anyway, thanks for joining in the giveaways gilay. good luck and regards!

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