Change the things that can be change, accept those that cannot and have the wisdom to know the difference... for Life is always sum up in with three words " IT GOES ON"... Welcome to my Blog and thanks for dropping by!

Crazy me : Missing Him

It just been days, haven`t talk to him... And I miss him this much...

If this is one of my abnormalities, I don`t know. But I decided to
make little distance from him. Though, he is miles away from me, I refrain myself to talked to him, I restrict myself to be online when I know he is there.

I know this is strange, but, even myself couldn`t understand
and explain how I feel, I miss him but I want to keep distant.
If this is have something to do with may past, and thinking
not to be hurt again. Again, I don`t know. But not a single day
I never think of him, from the morning when I wake up until
I sleep.

I miss our usual chat conversation, even most of the time
we argue on some things. I miss his jokes which I usually
say it was corny but I laugh. The most is I miss the " I love you
and the I love you too "

Just to fill in with him, I get back on his text messages
on my phone, read my inbox on my YM, sneak time to
activate my FB again to saw his photos and read the
our chat archives. Missing him, put me in tears... I know..
what you are thinking... yes, maybe! this is the crazy me.

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