Change the things that can be change, accept those that cannot and have the wisdom to know the difference... for Life is always sum up in with three words " IT GOES ON"... Welcome to my Blog and thanks for dropping by!

Job completed: Bravo!!!

I`ve working Abaqus for years. Today is the first time, I made my job completed, with no error and result is good. What a feeling.!!! It`s a kind of relief to me, at last I have made it right. Software $$ dollar cost will not put to waste. And efforts are paid off.

At first,  I had given the book manual for me to study. And I really had a hard time to understand everything written in the manual and put it into actual practice. There are moments, I just stared on my monitor, thinking of nothing because I don`t know how to use the commands or make some command works correctly. And there is no one I could seek help, to explain. A times I want to stop and say... " I don`t want it anymore."

They entrusted this job to me, because they believe that I`m capable for it. This gives me more determination to make this job complete. I`m so thankful for the support my Bosses had given to me and to my co-associate, Jeff.. I was`t able to finished this without the extended support from other people they asked to visit here to shared their knowledge. My heartfelt gratitude.

As of now, we`re establishing the process little by little. But the best thing is we made it already and we can do it again much better and more improve. If I could only share here the Animation result, I would! But sorry, it`s not allowed :)

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